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Using Law of Attraction against Coronavirus Fear

Using Law Of Attraction Against Coronavirus Fear

At this moment, it doesn’t matter where you are living, in what city, in what country, and what continent. It doesn’t matter what you believe in or the color of your skin. You are likely living in fear and doubt because of the Coronavirus (COVID 19) pandemic.  However, this is an excellent opportunity to put the law of attraction in action. Before we go on I am not in the medical field or have a medical background. It is merely my opinion on how I am using the law of attraction against Coronavirus Fear.

It is a unique moment in this world, in the world where we all, more than ever, witnessing the same thing. We are all experiencing the same things, but we don’t feel the same. What does it mean?
Well, it means that we can all see the same reality, as we are doing right now, but we don’t see that reality the same. The way we handle the current situation. Will determine the reality in which we are going to live in the future.

Reality is nothing but our perception. Life is not about the things that are happening. Life is our way of looking at all those things.

From this moment, I would like to take your hand, like a friend, as a parent, like your sister or your brother. In these moments, when the general panic has prevailed, when so many people You don’t need to worry. You don’t need to worry because you have someone who is watching your back.

No matter if you believe in the Vortex and the Law of Attraction. No matter if you think all that is stupid, no matter what your religion is, no matter if you are a believer or not. take these moments for yourself. Understand it as a conversation between two human beings.

The sentences you are reading here are full of wishes and intentions. To help you to spend the present, and the time ahead of you, most painlessly and peacefully that you can. 
Are we witnessing one enormous world contrast? Yes, this is one big, big contrast. And the difference is the part of the expansion. Because of this contrast happening, we will witness a massive expansion of the whole world, on so many levels. 

 Where Focus Goes Energy Flows

I won’t even mention the name of this thing happening right now again. You have it in the title of this article, which is more than enough. Do you know why? Because we know how important is. When you are focusing on something, then you are giving that thing more significance. And that thing starts to grow more and more with your focus.

If you are not focusing on that thing, it doesn’t mean that you are not witnessing it in your reality. It doesn’t mean that you or someone from your family won’t catch it. It doesn’t mean that that thing doesn’t exist somewhere near you; it doesn’t mean that the people are not dying from it. All that still exists, but if you want to make the best out of the situation, we suggest that you make a decision. A decision to focus on thinking.

“What good will come out of this situation.”

In this situation, we will witness different realities. Some realities will lead to divorce. Many people will remain frightened for the rest of their lives. In some realities, this will be the worse thing that will ever happen in their life.
On the other hand, others will exit this situation as a winner. Some will experience an incredible expansion. Some will achieve huge job success. Some will become much more conscious. Some will get closer to his family.
It is indisputable the reality we are all witnessing is here. The question is, what will we do with this reality, and how are we looking at this reality? 
The choice is yours!
We see the conspiracy theories cropping up everywhere. We see people stating, “all this is staged.” It has been set in motion to get people to vaccinate. Even if you are exploring all these conspiracy theories, remember one thing.
Can you get anything useful from all these things you are reading, watching, or thinking? 
Does something from that serve you, in an ethical and positive way?
Can you be at peace while you are focusing on those things? 
If you are always reading and sharing the current “negative content,” does it help you to keep inner peace? Can you stay positive while doing that? 
My practical advice to you is not to obsess over this content. Follow government guidelines, of course, and make sure to be updated on protocols and orders.
Remember, you are choosing where your focus goes.s on. You are choosing your thoughts. You are choosing your emotions, and you are choosing your vibration.

Tips to Positively Align Your Vibration

  • Even if you caught up in isolation or stay-at-home orders, go about your day as usual as possible.
  • Be thankful for your surroundings and practice gratitude
  • Stay calm because you know you are doing all you can to help yourself and your loved ones.
  • Engage in inspirational conversations.
  • Watch positive and motivational programs.
  • Use this time at home to tackle the things you don’t usually have time for instance decluttering.
  • Lastly, ensure you are resonating at the frequency of love and abundance.
 These are just a few tips.  There is plenty more out there and many tools that you can use if you need additional help. 

Conclusion on the Law of Attraction & Coronavirus Fear

The easiest way of managing people is with fear. Fear is the most dangerous virus in the world, keep that in your mind. Look at how people all around the world are becoming more and more obedient. 
That’s why it is crucial to use the law of attraction to remove all accumulated Coronavirus fear, stress, anxiety from your inner being. And to refill your body and mind with new amounts of peace, tranquillity, serenity, and harmony. Also, let’s get something clear. All because you remove the fear. It does not mean that you should become disobedient.
You should continue with respecting legitimate recommendations and guidelines. But at the same time, you can still live a fearless life.
Accept the current situation, respect the rules, for your good and the good of all the other people. 99% of citizens all over the world are living in fear right now. Hopefully, I have done my small part in reducing that number.
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What started as an intention to increase my wealth and abundance mindset. Has turned into a life inspiring mission to share my findings with as many as you as possible. Despite the ever-increasing misinformation on the law of attraction. There are several ways to truly manifest the right way. Stick around because knowledge is power!

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