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How to Manifest Wishes with a Manifestation Box

How To Manifest Wishes With A Manifestation Box

Not many law of attraction techniques are as exciting and compelling as manifestation boxes. It’s simply about turning our dreams and imaginations into reality for those unfamiliar with the law of attraction. The primary tools for manifestations are thoughts, belief, and focus. However, you can boost your manifestation process by using various techniques such as manifestation boxes, which we will discuss extensively in this article.

Using the manifestation box is really interesting. Many renowned names worldwide use their own manifestation box to attract what they want from the universe. The manifestation box is vastly effective from getting the desired vehicle, relationship, and job opportunity to minor possessions. It will interest you to know that as effective as the manifestation box is, it doesn’t take more than sending the right vibrations to the universe – okay, maybe you can put a few things in your box to represent your desires. But be rest assured that you are about to find out, arguably, one of the most thrilling manifestation techniques. Enjoy reading!

What is a Manifestation Box?

Many individuals call the manifestation box different names. Notable among them include “prayer box,” “intention box,” “vision box,” and “wish box.” Regardless of the name that you find comfortable for your own manifestation box, the bottom line is that it is a personal box for creating a desired life by placing a representation of your desire in the box.  Note that the manifestation box is not the same as a vision board. A manifestation box is a powerful manifestation tool that helps send a perfect intention in the form of vibration into the universe. By so doing, the universe will respond by manifesting your intentions.

By the way, using the manifestation box is relatively straightforward and intriguing. For instance, you can write your desires on a sheet and put them inside the box. If you want, you can add objects to represent your desires. However, a crucial area where some do get it wrong is how you write your wishes. As a practitioner of the law of attraction, it’s pertinent that you should do writing intentions in the present tense.

An example is “I desire a vehicle,” or “I am grateful for the new mansion coming my way.” Using the present tense to express your desire helps establish a connection with the universe. Besides, practitioners are best advised to avoid using “I need” or “I want.” These words create a distance between you and your burning desire. An example is “I desire a vehicle,” or “I am grateful for the new mansion coming my way.”.

If you plan to use a manifestation box for the first time, bear in mind that it’s a multipurpose technique. The method is useful for solidifying a connection between the universe and your desire. The manifestation box comes in handy for creating an intention for what you want – and not what you don’t desire. It allows for a creative expression of your specific goals, dreams, and desires.

How to Make a Manifestation Box

Here is where all the fun begins. Making a manifestation box is straightforward. First off, don’t use any box. Instead, you should pick a box that you like. Move around your house, workplace, or store to get a box that you find attractive and resonates with you. Bear in mind that there is no fixed size, shape, or form for a manifestation box.

From Tupperware, Mason jar, plain box, and a recycled shoebox to a wooden box, feel free to use a box that you feel connected to. Sometimes, you can just be moving around; then, you notice a box that catches your fancy. Pick, clean, and personalize it as you want. Alternatively, you can purchase a plain wooden box from a local store. Choose your preferred size, style, and color. Painting is encouraged.

You can decorate with inspirational words, stickers, images, or symbolic objects. Additionally, gold paint speckle over the box can be used to create stardust. The fundamental principle is that the law of attraction works effectively when the elements make you feel good.

Now that you have a box, the next step is to set an intention. Under the lid of your box, you can write a positive short description of your manifestation box. For instance, you can write, “Whatever this manifestation box contains is….” You can also write, “Ask, believe, let go, receive.” The point is to write something that relates to the principle of the law of attraction. Remember that this isn’t a must. Feel free to write whatever resonates with your existence. Besides, the words can be printed or written in your nicest handwriting.

The last step is to put the representations of your desire inside your manifestation box. Starting with pictorial representation in magazines, pictures from social media, or images from a book, add anything that provides positive energy and connects with your soul.

Aside from images, objects, or a written description of your desire is also usable. For instance, you can script down your desire. This involves writing about a specific desire in the present tense. Don’t be restrictive while at it; allow your imagination run wild.

While putting the items that embody your imaginations and thoughts, ensure that the objects resonate with your emotions. In other words, you should feel good and desirous by seeing the materials.

The representations can show a place where you would like to visit or live, a person you want to meet, the desired lifestyle, personality, or possession. In short, choose symbolic objects that will always help amplify energy flows within you.

Feel free to dream big and walk through the length and breadth of your imagination while submitting the items. Don’t let anything hold you back. Believe that you are bigger than your imagination, and the universe will deliver for you.

Remember that you can add materials to your manifestation at any time; it’s not a one-time thing. Here is another vital part of keeping in mind: endeavor to add your intention whenever you add something to your manifestation box.

Manifestation Box Instructions

As stated earlier, it doesn’t take any magic or expertise to use the manifestation box. You are simply sending a direct message to the universe via a vision box. However, it’s one thing to put desired representations in your box; it is another thing to make all your effort count. Using the manifestation box requires visiting it frequently to sustain your positive vibrations to the universe. How do you do this?

Firstly, write your dreams or intentions on a piece of paper. Repeat these dreams or intentions on the paper at least 3-5 times. This helps reinforce your intention. Now, fold or roll the paper. Place your funky wrapping paper inside your manifestation box. Afterward, you should visit the manifestation box day and night. Advisably, you should open your box within an hour after waking up. At night 15-30 minutes before going to bed, unlock your box, and renew your intentions again.

Renewing your intentions doesn’t take more than opening the intention box and reading out loud your dreams. If you live in a crowded space, you can also read it silently. Remember to call unto the universe to manifest your dreams. Hold the paper to your chest and visualize your imagination for a few minutes. Return the paper while keeping a belief that your box is resonating at the required vibration to manifest your dreams.

Continue to spend your day through the night, keeping the faith your box is continuously radiating throughout the universe. Ensure that you are consistent with your daily devotions. By opening the manifestation box daily, also helps keep you on track. You won’t lose focus on the things that you need to do to achieve your dreams.

Thus, it serves as a continuous source of motivation, not only manifestation. An interesting thing about the manifestation box is that it is useful for multiple years. Depending on your vibration, commitment, and desire, your imaginations can manifest within some days or a few weeks. Even after realizing your dreams, you can add more wishes and continue to use them.

Useful materials for your manifestation box

Let’s shed more light on what you can use to facilitate your manifestation process. These are elements that can be placed in the box to represent your desires. If you are attracting wealth, for instance, using monetary materials will foster your manifestation process. Below are some materials to use for wealth:

  • A written letter of commitment to manifest more money
  • A few dollar notes or a currency of your choice.
  • Pictures of what you will purchase with the manifested money.
  • Quotes about abundance from successful people.
  • A written affirmation to attract riches from the universe.

Understandably, the choice is subjective; everyone wants different things. So, endeavor to include personal items and materials that will motivate you towards achieving your dreams. Remember that your manifestation box doesn’t have to be full on the first day. A few materials are okay in the first few days. With time, it will fill up with inspirational and powerful affirmations that drive your manifestations.

Manifestation Box Success Stories

Over time, several success stories about the manifestation box have been told on social media. Here are two from the same author I uncovered while researching this topic. Hopefully, it will motivate you to take the first step towards achieving your goals with your manifestation box today.

Success Story I

The first story is about the author’s grandmother, who had a small shoebox that she converted to a manifestation box. Although she didn’t call it a manifestation box, what she was doing back then was a manifestation. Her grandma wrapped the shoebox in pieces of Christmas wrap paper so much that it will catch the attention of anyone that saw it. But she never placed it in an open space. For about a decade, grandma used the “shoebox” with incredible success. According to her story, the first time she used a manifestation box, she put in a few pictures of items that she desired. The list included a house with a library that she has always wanted to have. Amazingly, grandma manifested her dream house, but she realized it was missing her library.

As a result, she added a picture of a nice library that she saw online. After some years, she created a small bookcase and library space in one of the vacant rooms. After completing it, she realized that she had just manifested one of her dreams again.

Later on, her grandma would explain that the manifestation box stopped working for her at some point. She realized her shoebox was too occupied with past desires she had already manifested. So, she decided to remove these items, and it started working for her again.

Success story II

The author’s own personal experience with a manifestation box started with an upcoming exam. Several people told her about how difficult the exam could be. The last excellent grade on the exam was about five years ago. After hearing the story, she decided to study hard and support her efforts with a manifestation box. After setting up a nice box, she wrote an affirmation letter. She also downloaded some quotes about success online, cut them out, and placed them in the box. Lastly, she got a copy of the test belonging to the last student to receive an excellent grade in the class. With her manifestation box complete, she would renew her intention every morning.

On the day of the actual exam, she was extremely nervous. After submitting her exam, she went home and opened her manifestation box. She told the universe that she did her part and cited her affirmations one last time.

When she got back her exam results, she ended up with the top grade in her class—since then, using a manifestation box has become something that she enjoys, and she encourages everyone to create one.


And there you have everything required to develop a working manifestation box for yourself. Before concluding, endeavor to place the box in a private area where guests or relatives will not tamper with it. Position it in a secret place that you love. Also, you should spend a few minutes with your box daily. Take out the items and go through the box while handling the materials with love and respect. Keep a pleasant feeling as you resonate positive vibrations about your desire. Lastly, ensure that you enjoy the process and do it your way. Dream big! By doing so, you’ll realize that the manifestation box helps in ways you never even imagine!

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How to Manifest Wishes with a Manifestation Box (1)

What started as an intention to increase my wealth and abundance mindset. Has turned into a life inspiring mission to share my findings with as many as you as possible. Despite the ever-increasing misinformation on the law of attraction. There are several ways to truly manifest the right way. Stick around because knowledge is power!

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