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Boosting Desires with a Manifestation Journal

Manifestation Journal Prompts
With the Law of Attraction, we are all capable of attracting on what we focus on. Although several tools exist to utilize the miraculous law, a manifestation journal is one of the most effective methods for many individuals. When you keep your ideas, desires, and thoughts in a single journal, it helps stay organized and easily focus on what you crave. More importantly, manifestation journaling is a practical method to develop a positive momentum towards achieving your goals.
When you focus your energy on specific goals, you are directly engaging the universe to convert your imaginations to reality. Also, as you perform manifestation journaling more often, every self-limiting belief and the mental block will start finding their ways out of your being. To learn more about the manifestation journal, then endeavor to read this review to the end.

What is the Manifestation Journal?

When you dedicate a diary, notebook, or journal to write down your goals and dreams, you create a manifestation journal. It is a powerful tool to communicate with the universe by always relating to your positive thoughts and ideas. Manifestation journal is used to manifest your desires quickly by explaining your ideal life events regularly on paper. This act demands writing the details as if they are happening already. Thus, it’s vital that you stay true to your feelings, feel the desire deeply, and write it down just as you envision it.
With the Law of Attraction journal, you’ll be able to see your imaginations clearly. You’ll start to envision your dreams better, and your desires will grow more than ever. Among other benefits, a manifestation journal helps get your alignment with the universe and reprograms your subconscious mind to see life in a positive image. It’s worth noting that the Law of Attraction journal can be overwhelming at first. However, as you progress, you’ll start to realize that your life becomes fuller and more productive.

How to Begin Manifestation Journal

First off, you need to get a diary, journal, or spiral notebook from the nearest bookstore. If you have one already, that’s great too. The important part is to use a journal that you love writing in. Don’t use a journal that reminds you of bad experiences or something that you find awkward. Also, try to use the book solely to pen down the imaginations that you want to possess in reality. For instance, if you desire to own a mansion with your own family, you can envision and write something like:
On this day, I celebrate the housewarming of my huge mansion with my wife and two kids. The weather is quite calming and ideal for my kids to play by the pool. I am grinning and loving every moment as my family enjoys the view of the mansion. At night, I sit with my wife and kids enjoying a sumptuous first meal in our well-decorated dining room. It’s a fantastic moment, which I’m really grateful for.
The bottom line is that you should write the dreams exactly as you feel it. Try to add your preferred view, sound, smell, and be grateful to the universe.

What to Write in a Manifestation Journal

When you write about your burning desires daily, you’ll be more intentional about your actions and decisions. With time, you’ll have a better chance of connecting with the vibrational energy to drive your imaginations into life. Below are some details to have in manifestation journal about your desire statement:
Aligned Actions: State three actions that you intend to take towards realizing your desires. By so doing, you’ll commence your day with intentions and develop a sense of accountability.
State your Feelings: You should write how you would feel by taking the actions. It helps develop vibrational energy, which the universe can understand and provide a response.
Be Thankful: Ensure that you are grateful in your daily writing. A feeling of gratitude helps attract what you desire into real life.
What you Offer the Universe: Remember to mention how you serve others. By giving to the universe, you’ll improve your vibrational energy and increase your chances of getting more in return.
Envision your Burning Desire: Finally, visualize your burning desires and write down how you feel genuinely. This is usually the evening writing prompt that helps reprogram your subconscious mind.

Benefits of a Manifestation Journal

Undoubtedly, a manifestation journal is a useful tool to bring your dreams into reality using the law of attraction<span data-offset-key=”avrhh-2-0″>. However, beyond manifestation power, the technique is helpful for the overall human wellbeing. The first benefit of manifestation journaling comes handy for memory improvement. As you envision your dreams and desires frequently, you’ll start connecting your conscious mind to your subconscious mind. Along the line, you’ll recognize your self-limiting beliefs and eliminate them accordingly.
If you seek to improve self-awareness, self-confidence, and self-discipline, manifestation journaling is a useful technique. Additionally, whenever you feel stressed, thinking about your dream future, and writing it down will help you feel relaxed. Hence, it aids relaxation. Another benefit of using a journal is that it reduces intrusive thinking and improves constructive dreaming. You’ll envision what you desire more often, giving little to no room for sad thoughts. Other significances of manifestation journal include the improvement of intuition and creativity.

Manifestation Journal Ideas

To perform manifestation journaling effectively, here are some important ideas:

1. Use “I AM” Affirmations

Use concise and straightforward, positive statements to relate the kind of person that you desire. The affirmatory words can reflect your desired characteristics, and values needed to achieve your life goals. For instance, “I am a loving person,” “I am becoming wealthier every day,” etc. Choose affirmative words depending on your goals.

2. Make a Manifestation Catalogue

Catalog the things that you want to become or possess in life. Firstly, list what you desire about your general being. From there, start writing about more specific details. Feel free to modify the lists as long as it brings you closer to your dreams.

3. Written Imaginations

The third manifestation idea is to write down your visualizations in detail. This method involves seeing yourself in a perfect vision of your dreams. And explaining every detail in your manifestation journal.


Hopefully, you have now understood the technique of manifestation journaling. Before concluding, remember that there is no standard rule for keeping a manifestation journal. The important thing is to engage your journal daily and take necessary actions towards achieving your life goals. You can develop a routine around the time to write in your manifestation journey. By so doing, it will eventually become a habit. Advisably, you should write daily or three to four times per week. Regardless of your preferred schedule, try to stick to it. More importantly, focus on positive thoughts about your dreams. Before long, the universe will reward you.


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What started as an intention to increase my wealth and abundance mindset. Has turned into a life inspiring mission to share my findings with as many as you as possible. Despite the ever-increasing misinformation on the law of attraction. There are several ways to truly manifest the right way. Stick around because knowledge is power!

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