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Manifesting & LOA with the 17 Second Rule

Manifesting & LOA With The 17 Second Rule

Life is full of up and down. Whether you are a good or bad person, some unfortunate circumstances are bound to happen. For some people, adjusting to the situation and maintain a positive focus are quite easy. However, others may only fall deeper into thoughts and depressions. In the long run, they often find it hard to retrace their steps and refocus on their goals. If you fall to the latter category, there is good news for you. With the 17-second rule, you can change your perspective from negative to positive. All you need is to spend 17 seconds of your time while being focused on a single thought.

That aside, the 17-second rule is a manifestation technique that can change the dynamics of your life within a blink of an eye. It’s a period to igniting your desires and setting your manifestation in motion. Perhaps, you’ll like to enhance your mood, or you have a strong desire that you would like to manifest quickly, this guide on the 17-second rule will tell you all you have to do. 

What is the 17-Second Rule? 

Made famous by Abraham Hicks, the 17-second rule, the law of attraction commences immediately after holding a single thought for 17 seconds. While the short period may appear negligible, many scholars have referred it as the point of combustion. However, before the 17-second rule can be effective, the practitioner must maintain a single thought throughout the period. You can’t allow another thought to creep into your mind or switch your focus. Within the period, it’s essential to avoid any distractions as much as possible. For this reason, practicing the 17-second rule in a serene and quiet environment is always recommended.

However, the reality is that during the process, some information will try to enter your mind. If you practice mediation or chant mantras, you’ll understand how challenging blocking out creepy thoughts can be. Nevertheless, many people have utilized the 17-second rule effectively without any interference. What you have to do is practice regularly and maintain a single desire you’ll like to manifest. For instance, you can start from simple thoughts such as “a desire to be happy.” From there, you can upgrade your desires into more complex thoughts. With patience and commitment, you’ll soon become a master of 17-second rule.

Useful Tips to Remember Before Performing

First off, you should know that the 17-second rule is straightforward. Also, irrespective of your experience in manifestation practice, you can utilize the technique to your advantage. However, it goes without saying that people who are familiar with the law of attraction may find it easier than a newbie – which is quite understandable. If you want to master the process quickly, it is advisable to practice at least four times daily. This doesn’t take more than 68 seconds out of your 24 hours.

Before we proceed to the step-by-step guide on how to perform the 17-second rule, below are some useful instructions to keep in mind.

One of the important instructions to remember is to visualize. As much as possible, try to stop for a moment and imagine your dreams with strong intensity. Allow the positive emotions and feelings associated with your dreams to run through your mind and body. Advisably, you should allow the thoughts and feelings to last for more than 17 seconds on the first few trials. Once you begin to hold the visualization for a considerable period, you’ll start the transition from the negative end to the positive end.

Furthermore, visualization helps establish a new neural pathway in your brain. Doing so will help strengthen the habits as long as you keep visualizing and feeling the dreams. Thus, as you spend more time performing the 17-second rule, the faster you’ll likely experience a significant change to your state of mind. More importantly, the manifestation may come sooner than expected.

The resultant effect on your day-to-day activities is that you’ll be more conscious of your thoughts. Also, opportunities that can help reach your goals will start coming your way. This is no trick; it’s all about attracting what you have focused your mind on. So, don’t be surprised if everything starts working for your good. 

It’s worth noting that sometimes the visualization may not occur as expected, or perhaps you are not good at it. You do not have to worry; you can still harness the power of the 17-second rule. What you need to do is to start by stating your goals. On a daily basis, try to check your dream list and say it out loud. Afterward, speak out mantras that support manifesting your desires. These mantras are affirmations that ingrain your dreams into your subconscious mind. More importantly, it will prompt your mind to seek solutions to your desires. With time, the desire will grow stronger until it can power up manifestation. Once you can maintain this practice, performing a 17-second rule with a clear vision will become easier.

A Step-by-step Guide on How to Perform 17-Second Rule

If you feel that you are ready to perform the 17-second rule, below is the step-by-step guide to follow:

Step 1: Create your Space: Consider the 17-second rule as meditation and set up a positive environment to practice. If possible, you can get a Himalayan salt lamp or incense to create a calming atmosphere. Now, you can sit or lie down; the most important thing is to be comfortable and feels relaxed.

Step 2: Select a thought: Choose a topic that you want to focus on for the 17 seconds. Ensure that it is a positive thought. Advisably, you should use affirmations as they are powerful statements with emotions.

Step 3: Start your timer as you hold the thought: Now, let your timer starts working and maintain your thoughts. Don’t put yourself under pressure. Enjoy the moment, and stop once the timer beeps.

Step 4: Restart if you entertain another thought: Understandably, the thought may slip during your first time. That’s okay. Simply restart the timer and go again. Repeating the process will help train your brain to maintain the thoughts for a more extended period. Feel the moment, but don’t be obsessive. 

A 17-second Rule Story worth Reading 

In the beginning, I had my doubts about the 17-second rule as my desires and dreams are quite lofty. However, I felt that since it won’t do me any harm, I have nothing to lose by trying. The first thing that I noticed was that I recognize my negative thoughts. And also, while trying the rule, I realized that I maintained my negative thoughts more than positive thoughts. So, from that point, I decided to focus more on positive thoughts with more practice.

With time, I started seeing life in positive images and opportunities to achieve my dreams start materializing. At first, I didn’t remember that I was practicing the 17-second rule as the positive thoughts are already ingrained in my subconscious mind. But when I finally got my dream job, it dawned on me that the universe has subsequently worked in my favor. 

Aside from the manifestation, another crucial thing that I noticed is that I became less curious and anxious about matters beyond my control. I spent more time being happy and focused on things that can help my life. All this while, practicing the 17-second rule technique has already become my second nature. I was practicing effortlessly and visualizing even while in a restaurant. My advice is that if I can do it, you will be more than capable of practicing the 17-second rule. The more you practice, the stronger that your power of attraction will become. So, try to use the method as often as possible. It costs nothing than 17 seconds.


Any deliberate effort to exercise manifestation demands focus on positive thoughts. It’s essential to have a clear intent before a 17-second rule can work for you. With every 17 seconds spent on pure positive thoughts, your combustion points will increase. Once you start ingraining your thoughts into your subconscious mind, you’ll start getting the attention of the universe. From there onward, the manifestation may begin to materialize as the law of attraction works in your favor.

Advisably, you should maintain positive patience and commitment towards using the 17-second rule. Consider it as a practice to become better in mind and body. However, you should never become obsessed with the procedure. Instead, try to enjoy the period without losing your focus. Sometimes, when disturbing thoughts keep disturbing your mind, frustration may set in. At this point, you can stop for some time, then try again when you have a clear head. Using the 17-second rule takes a considerable effort; however, the reward is worth much more.


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What started as an intention to increase my wealth and abundance mindset. Has turned into a life inspiring mission to share my findings with as many as you as possible. Despite the ever-increasing misinformation on the law of attraction. There are several ways to truly manifest the right way. Stick around because knowledge is power!

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