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mind movies appWhat are Mind Movies? [Discover How Visualization Can Change Your Life]

Today you may realize everything you do is online or in a digital format. And even practicing visualization is no different. Here is a guide on how Mind Movies 4.0 will transform your positive affirmations, images, and motivating music into a digital vision board you can view from anywhere.

Why Is Visualization Important?

Visualization has been a powerful tool for making great revolutionary achievements. It’s merely a process of immersing yourself into your dream world through a near-real imagination. Visualization is primarily aimed at conditioning your subconscious mind with the clearness, vitality, emotions, and the views that you require to feel as if your prospective ideal life is real.

The more real you can make it and the more often you get yourself into this world of imagining your goal or desire, the more you train your subconscious mind to accept that it is the actual reality.

An average person has a small but powerful nerve bundle located at the base of the brain. The bundle, which is known as the Reticular Activating System (RAS), is the central point of the ‘network’ of your subconscious mind. As such, it’s the one that determines the pieces of data that will reach your conscious mind.

RAS is so dominant that it filters more than forty million small data pieces processed by the subconscious mind with each passing second. However, it allows you to think about 40 bits of the filtered information. Most of the information that gets into your conscious mind concerns your regular thoughts. But interestingly, you won’t realize when the information gets into your conscious mind from the unconscious mind.

How Visualization Works

When the information gets to your conscious mind, it starts to influence your perceptions, actions, and behaviors. Then, these three determine your commitment and focus on success.

So, when you see or visualize something, the RAS processes and filters the information. Some of it remains in your subconscious mind while the other goes to your conscious mind. Then, the conscious mind influences you to act on the information. Then you see or visualize the object or the situation regularly, the more your actions, perceptions, and habits become aligned to it.
Visualization also has a lot to do with the law of attraction. This is where the “like attracts like” concept of the law of attraction comes into play.

Basically, according to the law of attraction, the “like attracts like” concept, when you think about something, you emit particular vibration to the universe. Then, the universe responds by reflecting the vibration to you. So, if you are thinking about positive things, the universe will reciprocate by giving you the same good stuff.

Have you realized that when you wake up feeling lazy and keep thinking how unproductive the day might be, it turns out that the entire day gets into disarray? On the other hand, when you find yourself with lots of positive energy and in high spirits, most of the stuff you’ll deal with that day will work pretty effortlessly. That’s how “like attracts like” applies.

When you start training your brain for great achievements, success begins to dominate your life. That’s why many very successful people in the world will tell you that they practice visualization regularly. Oprah Winfrey, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Michelle Obama are among the key global figures who attribute their success to the power of visualization.

Now, what are vision boards?

Why Create Vision Boards

Vision boards are among the most effective visualizations tools that traditionally, people have been using to apply the law of attraction. Many celebrities have come out to attest to the power of a vision board. True to its purpose, as per their testimonies, this ‘magical’ board has helped them attract the things they desire and see those things manifest in their lives.

A vision board is simply any kind of a board on which you can display images representing your desired position, goal, or possessions in life. Preferably, place it in a strategic location where you’ll be seeing it as regularly as possible, at least twice a day. It will be a constant reminder of your life goals. With this board, your goal becomes clearer and more realistic to you, and you can concentrate and focus on it better.

But must a vision board be that physical paper thing? No, there’s a better and more convenient option called Mind Movies.  What is a Mind Movie? Glad you asked.

Why Mind Movies

Mind Movies is a short movie (typically 3 minutes) that lets you capture your desired future life and achievements in representative images, subconscious messages, and powerful affirmative statements digitally. They are designed to help you create your desired outcomes with much ease and joy by training your subconscious mind to release thoughts that support the results that you want. Think of it as a snapshot of your desired life and being able to picture it in the present while you are in the moment.

Basically, a mind movie is an improved version of a paper vision board. However, unlike the traditional vision board, which is a physical thing, a mind movie is a digital representation of your goals and desires.

To create one, you don’t need to be a programmer or a video editor. If you know how to work a mouse or tap on a tablet, you can easily create a mind movie in minutes.

Plus, you can take your Mind Movies with you wherever you go! Put them on any device and off you go. Play your Mind Movie to reinforce your dreams, anytime, anywhere!

Like a vision board, Mind Movies features positive affirmations to supercharge your goal achievement strategies. Nevertheless, the motivational music that supports your desires in the digital vision board makes the whole experience much more fun.

A Vision Board or a Mind Movie?

Now that you know what a vision board and a mind movie are all about, you are probably asking yourself which of the two is perfect for the creation of an imaginative perspective that you’ve always craved to have. Well, the answer is obvious; it is a mind movie that is most effective for this purpose.

Everyone will admit that they are always playing images in their minds as they go about their daily chores. It occurs unconsciously without our realization. Think of the times that you’ve watched a movie, especially one that really thrills you. You’ll admit that the images keep playing in your brain even after you’ve stopped watching the film.

The same applies after you’ve read a novel that excites you, albeit to a lesser degree, than while watching a movie. The images keep playing in your head, and you keep trying to replay them to create the thrill that the movie or the book gave you as you read.

Playing things in a motion manner occurs almost every time, and this probably explains our over-reliance on websites such a YouTube that typically have videos. Now you know why you are probably addicted to watching videos and listening to music rather than reading written materials. The idea of a mind movie employs the same concept. It enables you to play what excites your mind most, and this is very crucial in enhancing self-motivation.

The creation of a mind movie is one of the easiest things that you will have to do, at least for creating positive energy for all your days. Just by clicking on the creation app, you can construct a movie depending on the mood that you want to generate at the moment. And unlike reading books that have loads of ideas, a mind movie will give you just what you need at a particular moment.

Whether you want to put yourself within that beautiful family or workplace you’ve dreamed about, or see yourself with that fine body you’re aiming at, a mind movie will harmonize visualization and affirmation to bring the desires of your mind into your reality.

Additionally, you don’t have to worry about having to spend loads of hours trying to boost your energy levels. A mind movie fulfills that bit within a few minutes or even seconds. That means that as you begin your day, you only need a few minutes, probably while waiting for your computer to switch on. In just a few minutes, you are loaded with bulks of positive energy, enough to take you throughout the day.

When you feel like things are not working out as planned during the day, there is no cause for alarm. Just click on the mind movie, and you are re-energized to work on. It’s one accompaniment that you can’t afford to stay without to create your desired outcomes in a very exciting way. Your subconscious mind won’t be able to differentiate what you see through your eyes and what you play in your mind as a very vivid movie on a repetitive basis.

What’s The Difference Between a Mind Movie and a Generic Movie?

Well, while a normal film is designed to entertain many different people, a mind movie is customized to suit your dreams and goals. Besides, you are entirely in charge of your mind movies, choosing the kind of images, affirmative messages, and music to incorporate into it.

Another thing you need to note about mind movies is that they are usually very brief, typically lasting for about three minutes. On the other hand, an ordinary movie can last for hours.
Better still, you won’t need much expertise to create your mind movie, especially with good software such as Mind Movies 4.0. As long as you know how to make a mouse click on a computer or can tap on a tablet, then creating your digital vision board should be a breeze.

It’s something you can do in minutes because the software is categorized in a way that makes it easy for you to input different content to their respective places. Better still, you can use the software to create mind movies that relate to various aspects of your life!

Take a few minutes to visualize your aspirations by playing your custom mind movies a few minutes daily and see your dream come into reality sooner than you can imagine. One of the key advantages of this visualization option is portability. Put your Mind Movies in your tablet, smartphone, or laptop or any and play them wherever you go with the device.

Mind Movies 4.0 Review

While there are many apps you can count on to create yourself some inspirational movies, Mind Movies 4.0 tops the list. With over 5,809,000 Mind Movie users worldwide, and with the number increasing on a daily basis, there’s no doubt that this software has become very popular. It means that the users are getting great value from the product. So, why should you be left behind? Here’s a quick video from world-renowned Bob Proctor explaining how this is his #1 tool for manifestation.

Mind Movies
Discover what it is & receive a powerful visualization tool for FREE right here.

Perhaps you are curious to know how you can use the software to create a mind movie. Well, before we get to the usage, the first thing you need to know is that this software has a simple design (user interface). So, the mind movie creation process will be easy-peasy.

Let’s now see the step-by-step process of creating the movie.

How to Create a Mind Movie Using Mind Movies Software

Log in to your Mind Movie account through your computer or a Windows or Andriod or Apple mobile device(New).

Locate the “Create A Video” tab and click on it. This will take you to the main navigation screen with a vast selection of categories including pictures, affirmations, music as well as transitions. The items in these categories are further categorized depending on the goal you want to achieve from your Mind Movie.

Choose relevant pictures. Click on ‘pictures’ and choose the picture category that’s in line with your Mind Movie goal. You have many categories to choose from, from getting your dream car to business goals. Identify the best pictures in the relevant category and ‘drag and drop’ them into the blue timeline below, and to the blank black “Drag in Clip” slide.

Mind Movies 4.0 main video screen
Credit: Mind Movies 4.0


Apply the best affirmations. Affirmations are on the left side, categorized as well. These are encouraging words that will accompany the pictures that you selected for your video. Just as you did with the pictures, identify the affirmation category that suits your Mind Movie goal, click on it and click, drag, and release the best affirmations into the images you had added to the timeline below.

Mind Movies 4.0 Affirmations
Credit: Mind Movies 4.0

Select suitable Transitions. Transitions refer to the visual effect that comes about as your movie your changes from a picture to another. These are located on the left side of the main menu of the software and are categorized into Fades, Motion, and Shapes. Preview the visual effect of each of the transitions by hovering the mouse over one of the green images of a parrot. Once you identify the best transition for your inspirational multimedia movie, click, drag, and release it in vertical black oval shape between any of the two pictures you transferred to the blue timeline. The transition will replace the default one to give your Mind Movie a more customized feel.

Mind Movies 4.0 Transitions
Credit: Mind Movies 4.0

Select your favorite music. There’s a wide range of song categories on the left side. Click on the category that you feel will go well with your movie. Upon clicking, the songs in that category will be loaded in a library on the right side. Click on the songs, each at a time, to find the best one for your Mind Movie. Click ‘Apply’ on the song you’ve identified, and it will apply to your mind movie.

Mind Movies 4.0 Music Selection
Credit: Mind Movies 4.0

Preview your movie by clicking on the ‘Step 2 Preview’ button.

Save the video. Once you are done with previewing the video, click the ‘X’ at the corner to close the window. Then, click on ‘Save Video.’ Then click on ‘Step 3 Save’ to describe the video and give it a title. Publish. Click on ‘Step 4 Send To Processor’.

Mind Movies 4.0 Send to Processor
Credit: Mind Movies 4.0

You’ll see a window requiring you to indicate if you want the Mind Movie published on Facebook or YouTube. Click yes on your preferred choice. Whichever the option you choose, ensure that you are logged in into the platform for the publishing to be successful. However, you can bypass this step and go straight to ‘Send to Processor.’ When you click on this, the software will process and make your mind movie ready to download to your computer, tablet, or smartphone.

Mind Movies 4.0 Final video
Credit: Mind Movies 4.0

So you can see you can make your version of a mind movie in minutes.  I will admit the aesthetics of the software is a bit outdated, but I guess why bother to fix it if it ain’t broke. Millions have purchased.

One big pro is… although the software has lots of preloaded pictures, affirmations, and music. You can create and use your own affirmations and photos and even upload your favorite music from your device.

Why choose Mind Movies 4.0?

There are loads of applications that you can use to make a visualization movie. Some of these options are relatively cheap than Mind Movies. But do you know of the old aged adage that cheap is expensive? It’s perfectly applicable in this context. Some of the other options come with loads of disadvantages that overrule the purported pricing advantage. On that note, let me explain why you need to subscribe to the Mind Movies 4.0 application instead of the others.

While using the other applications, you will spend loads of time to assemble the picture into the respective categories that you need. However, Mind Movies 4.0 has saved you all this hassle by assembling for you all the pictures that you need to make a video in categorized format. Therefore, you don’t have to spend a large proportion of your time hunting down pictures to use on your video. Additionally, the pictures are available free of charge, unlike in other editors where you need to purchase them from online sites. In about 5 minutes, you can make your videos and commence on enjoying them.

Do you remember the subliminal audio feature that I discussed earlier? That aspect is only available on the Mind Movies 4.0. Therefore, you can be sure that your experience with the application will be memorable. And what more could you ask for than having an application that excites even the part of the brain where no other visualization app does?

Everybody hates the secondary costs that creep during the use of an application. With the other apps, you can be sure of paying more than you agreed while subscribing at the first instance. This means that for the ostensible cheapness, you are going to pay for other costs that will leave you regretting your primary choice. However, Mind Movies 4.0 is clear that there is nothing that you pay after the initial subscription cost.

Mind Movies 4.0 is as honest as you’d ever wish for. The application developers understand that some people may be cagey towards committing to using the app at the beginning. Therefore, to ensure that you are assured of getting the full value for your money, the application has 60-day guarantee money back policy. This means that for the first two months, you have the chance to test the appropriateness of the app to your needs. If you are not fully satisfied, you can claim a refund.

The benefits of making mind movies on this application are almost endless, as you will experience while you begin using it. Imagine watching your favorite youtube videos together with other selectively themed pictures to suit your preferences. Also, the advantage of watching the downloaded videos offline when there is no internet connection cannot be undermined. It braces you for being motivated wherever you are at any time of the day. Arguably, no other application has all these advantages, and this makes the app a unique video creator that you cannot afford to live without.

Keeping in tabs with the latest developments in the mind movies development is something that should always guide your choice of the app to use. The Mind Movies 4.0 keeps you assured of being on the frontline of getting the latest updates, and the subliminal audio feature is a testament to this commitment.

The idea of adding music to a vision board is one that has been thought of as impossible for a long time. However, Mind Movies 4.0 has gone beyond the normal trend to create an application that delivers a blend of music, pictures, and videos on the same platform. This has further improved experience and greatly aided the development of a positive attitude that encourages hard work.

Disadvantages of Mind Movies 4.0

While this application is way ahead of its competitors, regarding the creation of inspiring videos, it also has a few downsides that cannot be ignored. Primarily, it is essential to note that the app can be deemed as expensive as compared to the others. Making a short movie while using other video editors is an inexpensive task in spite of its apparent time consumption trade-off that one has to incur. With the videos and pictures in place, making a video is possible without spending as much as one would in paying for the subscription fees.

The conventional vision board has been one of the oldest means of culturing motivation through visualization. It is usually mounted on the walls at a point where one can view it without strain. This convenience is one of the things that the Mind Movies 4.0 cannot provide. This is especially critical in cases where one doesn’t have access to a digital device in entirety. In such a situation, the use of a vision board is requisite.

Latest Mind Movies 4.0 Features

Mind movies 4.0 keeps getting improved, and this means good news to the users as loads of other useful features have been added.

One of the key latest features is the ability to add subliminal audio, and this can be done while including a music track. Subliminal audio is just what you need to keep your subconscious mind alert and motivated at all times. What this feature does is that it makes the mind movie more vivid and memorable, and this has a significant impact on improving your performances.

Are you wondering whether all this is important? Yes, the truth of the matter is that you need to excite your subconscious mind as it is instrumental in alleviating the pressure on the conscious mind. Some of the common impediments to motivation, such as fear and doubt, are controlled in the conscious mind. That explains why it is naturally easy for one to get afraid after thinking about something. However, the subconscious mind is key to overcoming these barriers. Therefore, subliminal audio acts as an enhancing pill to this brain part, ensuring that unbelief, lack of confidence, fear, and other negative aspects are overcome.

If you want to understand the power that is contained in subliminal audios, just pay close attention to most television ads and even movies. You will realize most of these ads tend to instill a form of confidence in the products in a manner that you cannot explain. Similarly, the movies also have some drawing allure that compels you to anticipate watching them. This is the power of having a subliminal perspective. It penetrates beyond what normal messages deliver, and this has a significant effect on the message perception.

Similarly, the subliminal audio in Mind movies 4.0 is designed to achieve the same objective. They aid faster actualization of the motivation process by instilling confidence to tackle seemingly impossible things.

Also, note that the new feature allows you to be at par with the designers of popular tv and movie ads. This is the kind of immense power that you have to influence your brain’s perception of things. With the new additions, you can be sure that negativity and self-doubt will be a thing of the past. In its stead, positive energy will thrive, and it is just what you need to activate your dreams.

And that isn’t the only feature that the mind movies 4.0 review brings.

The app designers have also realized the power of having your favorite videos as part of the mind movie pictures. With this new addition, all that you need to do is to upload your chosen videos, and they will play together with other inbuilt photo features.

Does that mean adding any form of video? Yes. All kinds of videos that you have always desired to have replayed every time you want as they give you positivity can be added. And that includes even videos from YouTube.

What this addition brings is a more thrilling way to enjoy your mind movie collection in a way that you’ve never done before. It further enables you to stay put in achieving your aspirations without worrying about losing your inner motivation at any point.

Below are some frequently asked questions about Mind movies.

Will Minds Movies 4.0 Work For Me?

This is probably what you are asking yourself. You know that the internet has many hyped things as marketers seek to have you read their websites to draw traffic. You might feel as if this is one of those sites. But I want to assure you that this is not the case here as the mind movies actually work. They have worked for celebrities, and your case should never be any different. And how do you get to know that you are getting the expected results?

Well, the honest thing about mind movies is that they are not a one size fits all kind of a thing. Therefore, the results will be variable. However, one thing that is for sure is that it all depends on you. What this means is that you have to make them work for you, at least in the initial moments of your interaction. And this is pretty simple. Just begin watching what motivates you most.

Develop a habit of watching a mind movie at least twice a day. Obviously, the theme will be on what thrills you most. You will be surprised that you will certainly become addicted to watching them. It will become a habit, and before you know it, you will be self-driven at all times.

The mind movie will work in a unique way that you cannot even explain. When watching the movies becomes a routine, the law of attraction will apply. You will find yourself being drawn to positivity more often, and you will have inner energy to face all that you need to do.

I’m Taking Too Long to Get Results

As noted, the results will come at the right time. Therefore don’t be in a rush to see the fruits of your religious commitment to watching the mind movies. Just follow the basics, and you will ultimately see results.

But what if it takes forever to realize results? Well, this probability cannot be ruled out in entirety because, as captioned earlier, people have different reception rates. If this is the case, you can try out using the Mind Movies Matrix app. Designed by the same developers, it will provide you with improved tools for further customizing your mind movies to suit your preferences. Therefore, don’t be worried about not getting the desired results while using the basic app. There is an alternative that has been found to work wonders.

All in all, remember that using the mind movies regularly has a magical impact on your imaginative part of your brain. When you feed it with positivity regularly, it will have no reason to fail to oblige.

I Have No Space In My Device

If you have limited space on your device and you are worried about where to install the Mind Movies app, calm your nerves as this has already been sorted. Unlike most apps that need to be installed into the device before use, this one is different. All that you have to do is to pay for its use, and you are set to begin using it immediately.

Does it make sense? Well, it should because the developers have you in mind at all times, and they understand the need to have other applications on your phone. They actually respect your need to have more space to install other applications that will increase your ability to get more motivated. The app designers host it on a website where all you need to do is to pay, log in using your credentials, and begin making videos.

But Doesn’t This Compromise Your Personal Data Such as Photos and Videos?

The answer is that at no time will your personal data be at risk of access by hackers and malware. It is 100% secure, and you can be assured that all images, music, and videos are assigned a secure space. Only you and others whom you’ve issued with the login details can actually access the data contained in your account.

What this aspect does is that it widens your range of options on how to access your mind movies. Primarily, you have the liberty to watch the movies from anywhere at any time you wish and from any device. Therefore, if you are somewhere where your phone has gone off, and you feel the urge to watch the mind movies, you are sorted. Just look for a device, probably a computer in a cyber café, login into your account, and you can access your videos.

Alternatively, you can access your videos directly on your phone even at times when you have no internet connection provided that you had downloaded them earlier. This accessibility means that even when you are out probably on a hiking expedition in an area without an internet connection, you can still access your videos.

Just ensure that your login details are safe and only give them to people that you can trust to ensure that privacy is assured. With the two options, you will surely have no reason to feel low and unmotivated when energy is all within your reach. Just grab your device, log in, and access the mind-movies of your choice without incurring any costs.
It’s such a seamless process that you cannot just afford to remain sad. The power is all in your hands.

Final Verdict

The advantages of Mind Movies 4.0 are almost inexhaustible, especially when you compare it with other similar applications on the web that provide similar services. It is designed to deliver on the laws of attraction perspective that is key in achieving self-motivation.

The subliminal audio feature is arguably a unique characteristic of Mind Movies 4.0 that you will find almost nowhere. With the feature, you can create a video that initiates a reaction from the much ignored subconscious part of the brain. This happens through bypassing the conscious mind that controls fear, self-doubt, and other negative aspects that curtails motivation.

However, you need to remember that the use of the app requires a commitment to maximum benefits. For instance, you need to watch the videos at least twice daily to allow the brain to develop a habit that is translated to a change of behavior and attitude. The application will also not work for everyone as our brains are wired differently despite the apparent similarities. Therefore, one should use it while having an open mind regarding the expected results. All in all, the results of the majority of users have been positive.

As you make your decision, take the above factors into consideration. Also, you can use the Mind Movies 4.0 app together with the traditional vision board to enhance the results. The onus is therefore on you to do your bit then sit back and await the results. You will enjoy the lure of watching your favorite customized videos from wherever you want at any time of the day.

If you are interested in learning more. Then watch this explosive video from Mind Movies creator, Natalie Ledwell, and her partner Glen, as they share their story of how they went from massive debt to living the life of their dreams.

Watch it here -> Mind Movies 4.0 

When you click on the link above you’ll also hear from Bob Proctor and receive 6 Pre-Made Mind Movies, specifically designed to enhance the most important areas
of your life. Valued at $234, my friends over at Mind Movies are giving them away for free!

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